Ankle Sprain Treatment in London
The feet and ankles are a remarkable complex structure; they contain 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 tendons and ligaments, all working in tandem to offer support, stability and flexibility. So, it’s no wonder that when you sprain your ankle, the impact can be significant and may disrupt your daily life, work or leisure activities. That’s why it is so important to get prompt, expert advice from an experienced ankle specialist.
Mr Klinke is an accomplished London ankle surgeon who specialises in reconstructive foot and ankle surgery, including ankle arthroscopy, minimally invasive Achilles tendon repair, bunion correction, and more. He is committed to providing the personalised care you need to return you to your everyday activities as quickly and safely as possible.
Ankle sprains are the most common type of foot injury, with an estimated 6,000 sprained ankles being reported each day in the UK. They typically occur when the ankle rolls, twists or turns in an awkward way, causing the ligaments (strong elastic band-like tissues that attach one bone to another) to become over stretched. This causes swelling, pain and sometimes bruising.
The initial treatment for any ankle sprain is a simple step-by-step approach, summed up by the acronym RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This will help to limit movement, so the injured ligaments can heal in the correct place and will also reduce swelling and pain. Ice – Apply a cold compress (either an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas) on the affected area for 10-15 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a day in the first 72 hours to help limit inflammation and ease the pain.
After 72 hours, the ankle should be wrapped in a tubigrip or elastic bandage from the toes to just below the knee using even pressure. This helps to stabilize the joint and create compression which can also reduce swelling. It is recommended to wear this wrap for as long as it is comfortable, and to loosen it if the ankle toes start to turn blue or the skin feels cold. Elevation - ideally the ankle should be elevated above heart level as much as possible to decrease swelling. More Details ankle sprain treatment in London
Once the pain and swelling have settled, a physiotherapist can begin a series of exercises designed to improve the ankle’s range of motion, strength, stability and balance. It is important to only resume these exercises once the ankle is feeling comfortable and to follow the physiotherapist’s instructions closely to ensure you are not doing too much or damaging the ankle further.
In the majority of cases, ankle sprains will settle and heal with proper early diagnosis and treatment. However, if your ankle injury does not recover or it is very severe, you may require surgery to prevent future complications. Please book a consultation with an experienced ankle specialist today to ensure you receive the best treatment for your injury and that you can get back to your everyday life as soon as possible.